Our Purpose In
Wealth Management
Wealth Management vs. Asset Management
While you are investing during retirement, it is best to look at asset management versus wealth management. Asset Management can involve investing in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, and other ways to gain wealth and prepare for the future. The focus of asset management is on investments, while wealth management is much broader. An individual or family’s overall financial situation is taken into account when managing their wealth and protecting it in the future. Money management may include tax preparations, estate planning, cash flow management, and any other use of money. We approach wealth management as an integral part of retirement planning. Our goal is to ensure that you will have access to your money for the rest of your life.
Let's Talk About
Our Fiduciary Responsibility to Wealth Management
As financial advisors, Legacy Group Planning must put our members’ needs first. Our professional ethics require us to always do what is best for members, regardless of the circumstances. Investing requires a deep understanding of the market because of its potential risks. A licensed professional can help you understand your risks. Our team of financial advisors will guide you through all of your options and investment risks. We help members create a plan they can feel confident about.
Wealth Management Service
Our approach is not a “one and done” strategy. Rather, we keep you informed of the progress of your accounts. At least once per year, we meet with our members and keep in touch as needed. When you have a plan and monitor your finances, you can make your money work for you. Meeting one-on-one with members is one of the ways we can help you prepare for retirement.
Topics we can discuss include:
- Plans for retirement income
- Review of cash flow
- IRA options once you reach retirement
- 401(k)/403(b) rollover options
- Beneficiaries – ways to leave wealth to those you love
- Potential tax issues (NOTE: consult with a tax advisor)
- RMDs and possible strategies
- Choices for retirement investing
- Assessing your risk tolerance
- A big picture plan (how do your goals fit together)
- Questions or concerns about retirement
- Long-term strategies
- Evaluation of your plan (does it meet your needs)
A Purposeful Plan
It is important to feel confident about the management of your retirement funds. When we meet one-on-one with you, we take the time to understand the whole picture. Additionally, we look for ways to enhance your plan. Also, we’ll discuss how we can assist you in reaching your goals. Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation to discuss your options in detail.